Shelby wanted to go to Pyramid, but there's still quite a bit of snow in the high country. So we decided to go to the Teanaway area out of cle elum off the Teanaway Road. Here is a map of the area that shows how cool it is. It's right at the base of the Stewart range and there are trails going every which way, as you can see:
Shelby and Jill and I thought we were going alone, but Chris and Nell came too, with their dog Xavi. That was awesome. Here we all are taking a break along the trail.
Here's some scenery:
This is Xavi. He wasn't the only dog who came. Penny came too (Shelby and Jill's dog).
The first day we hiked up to the ridge over from the Stewart Range and set up camp in a meadow. There was a patch of snow in the meadow (pictured), but it had melted by the time we left. The whole meadow was melting. We were at about 5000 feet.
Here's Nell doing something or other. It rained a lot that first day and we hid out in our tents trying to stay dry.
It got nice again in the evening.
So Shelby built a big fire and we sat around it:
The next morning it was sunny and we had good views of Stewart.
Chris and Nell went back home and Shelby and Jill and I continued. We hiked up into the high country and ate a watermelon while looking at this view:
Then we climbed up:
And we looked at the Stewart Range. Isn't this a nice picture??
This is the view from the top of our first big pass. I emailed Meghan from here because I had 3G. Go AT&T!
On our way down the "hard scrabble creek trail" into the valley at the base of the Stewart Range, things got pretty hairy. The hardscrabble creek trail pretty much disappears on its way into the valley and there's no trail to follow. So we bushwacked for 5 hours or so. It was pretty rough going.
Here we are crossing a big river in the valley: The dog had to swim on a leash, it was pretty funny. The crossing was actually really gnarly. Deep, rushing water. But we made it across.
We camped out in the valley after a long, long day. We were pretty exhausted after all the bushwacking, but Shelby made a fire and we cooked up some dinner. The next day we started going uphill -- that got pretty hairy too. At first it was okay.
Then we came to this meadow.
Then after that we started going up this gnarly scree wall. I did some crazy mountain climbing, while Shelby and Jill took a slightly more sensible route. Either way you went, it was pretty harrowing going. Really fun though, I will admit. I don't have any pictures of that. But here are some pictures from the top:
The Teanaway Valley (or whatever it's called) at the base of the Stewart Range is a wild, overgrown place that is also really pretty. We had a great trip overall.
I shudder to think what you guys consider "a more sensible route." And who carried watermelon up there in their pack!!??!!